Policy Governance

In early 2014, after several years of intense study and work, our Board of Directors adopted a set of governance policies. These are based on the Carver Policy Governance Model. These policies are grouped into four areas: Ends; Executive Limitations; Board-Management Delegation; and Governance Process. The policies are hierarchically arranged and designed to help us remain focused on the larger issues of our organization and to clarify the separate responsibilities of the board and management.


revised 5/9/2018

The purpose of the CCSA is that students will obtain the benefits that result from playing a musical instrument at a justifiable cost to the organization, and that an environment will be maintained where
CCSA teachers are able to live and work in the community. Ends Policies

Executive Limitations

revised 3/12/2018

The Executive Director shall not cause or allow any organizational practice, activity, decision, or circumstance that is either unlawful, imprudent, in violation of funding agency requirements, or in violation of commonly accepted business ethics and practices. Executive Limitations Policies

Board-Management Delegation

adopted 2/6/2014

The board’s sole official connection to the operational organization, its achievements and conduct will be through a chief executive officer, titled Executive Director. Board-Management Delegation Policies

Governance Process

revised 5/9/2018

The purpose of the board, on behalf of members of the CCSA, is to see to it that the Copper Country Suzuki Association a) achieves appropriate results for appropriate persons at an appropriate cost (as specified in board Ends policies), and b) avoids unacceptable actions and situations (as prohibited in board Executive Limitations policies). Governance Process Policies