Amanda Plummer

Dr. Amanda Plummer has been playing piano for longer than she cares to admit. She took her first piano student in 1985, and has been teaching music in one form or another ever since. Amanda comes to us with a doctorate in elementary music education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Dr. Plummer teaches traditional-style piano lessons with a twist. The twist is the realization that not all children learn the same way. Dr. Plummer works with students to find their best learning style and tailors instruction to individual needs and goals.

Amanda also offers Music Together¨ classes for young children and their caregivers. The mixed age class is one that children can attend from birth through age four with an adult. Each child participates at his or her own learning level and learning style by singing, moving, chanting, listening, watching, and exploring musical instruments. Grouping children of a variety of ages fosters natural, family-style learning. The class is structured so that a single caregiver may attend with several children, or a single child may attend with several caregivers.

Amanda believes strongly that all children are inherently musical. We do not need to be world class performers to have meaningful and satisfying musical interactions with our children. There are many ways to be musical and we do ourselves a tremendous disservice when we forfeit all of our music-making to famous recording artists. Play with sound, play with your children, take creative risks, and don’t forget to have fun!